Click on thumbnail to view enlargement.
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Nests and Audubon Cups, oil on linen, 40” x 40”, 2010
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Sixteen Eggs, oil on panel, 10” x 22”, 2011
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Koi and Blue Vase, oil on linen, 38” x 50”, 2013
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Egret and Large Bowl, oil on linen, 29” x 39”, 2013
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Nest and Blue and White Vase, oil on linen, 36” x 36”, 2013
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Koi and Bronze Vase, oil on linen, 40” x 40”, 2013
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Hummingbird and Butterfly, oil on panel, 18” x 24”, 2013
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Egret and Monarch, oil on linen, 42” x 40”, 2014
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Nineteen Eggs, oil on panel, 12” x 24”, 2014
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Bowl, Branch, and Nest, oil on panel, 12” x 36”, 2015
- 33..butterfliesandskull.2015
Butterflies and Skull, oil on panel, 18” x 18”, 2015
- 34.thistlevase.2015
Thistle Vase, oil on panel, 30’ X 30”, 2015
- 35.nestsand-audubonvase.2015
Nests and Audubon Vase, oil on panel, 18” x 24”, 2015
- 36..VaseandMonarchs.2015
Vase and Monarchs, oil on linen, 32” x 28”, 2015
- 37.EggsandDragonfly.2015
Eggs and Dragonfly, oil on panel, 12” x 24”, 2015
- 38.warblersandbutterflies.2016
Warblers and Butterflies, oil on panel, 12” x 36”, 2016
- 39.koiandglobelc.2016
Koi and Globe, oil on linen, 28” x 32”, 2016
- 40..mountainandwren.2016
Mountain and Wren, oil on panel, 24” x 24”, 2016
- 41..vaseandnuthatches.2016
Vase and Nuthatches, oil on linen, 32” x 28”, 2016
- 42.koiandgoldfish.2016
Koi and Goldfish, oil on panel, 30” x 30”, 2016